Hi! I’m Jon.
I’m an indie author based in Edinburgh.
I live here in an apartment with my springer spaniel, Dani.
And I write novels. (And as of very recently, I publish them, too, instead of keeping them stashed away in a drawer).
Thank you for making it to my website!
Whilst you’re here, there’s a few things you can do:
Enter my book giveaway
You can join my newsletter for a chance to win a cool dystopian-themed book bundle.
Explore my books
You can check out my debut novel, What Happened Next. It’s a sort of thriller-slash-adventure-slash-dystopian story.
You can get some info on the sequel, Bad Things Happened Here, which is available for pre-order and is released on October 30th.
Check out my author interview
You can also read a ‘getting to know you’ style author interview with me.